Wednesday, June 19, 2024

LIFETIME LIVING Magazine November 1953

There used to be a lot of magazines. Here's a not well-known magazine from the 1950s titled LIFETIME LIVING. Take a look at these few scans. Seeing this art and cartoons in this mag makes me dislike all the more those photo-driven publications for sale today.

My thanks to my pal Adrian Sinnott (illustrator extraordinaire, leader of the Berndt Toast Gang, bon vivant) for sending these on.

Here's fellow Berndt Toast Gang member Art Cumings illustrating the "Easy Cooking for 2" article:

LIFETIME LIVING also had cartoons. Here's one my Ramon Henri:

Al Kaufman:


The prolific Harry Mace:

Pete Wyma:

Ed Lepper:

And a pause-and-look-at-all-those-figures illustration by the one and only Roy Doty:

Just a quick blast from a more illustrative past to cleanse your palate. See you soon.

Oh -- here's the back cover: a product tie-in with the Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball movie THE LONG, LONG TRAILER:

-- Edited from an olde blog entry of July 5, 2012.

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