Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Jack Cole Tribute in ACE Comics Presents Daredevil Battles the Claw (1987)


From the 1980's B&W comics boom, comes this on-issue wonder: ACE Comics Presents Daredevil Battles the Claw by Jack Cole (1914 - 1958). This isn't YOUR Daredevil, this is the original golden age of comic books superhero guy named Daredevil. There are two stories that are reprinted in black and white in this issue: "Presenting: The Claw," ("The Claw has his minions burrow under the Atlantic Ocean so that he can attack New York City (and America) from underground. Fortunately Bart Hill is there when the Claw attacks and he changes into the Daredevil to put a stop to the attack." - The Grand Comics Database) and an early Silver Streak story, "The Finger of Death Points At Silver Sreak," which, I'm sure, is nowhere near as mad and ambitious as The Claw digging his transcontinental tunnel for the Nazis. There are also a couple of essays about Cole, his life and influence. 

There's a tribute to Jack Cole by Jerry De Fuccio. De Fuccio and C.C. Beck comment on recreating the "Daredevil Battles Hitler" story, originally drawn by Cole. The Art of Jack Cole piece is by Ron Frantz (uncredited). Source: The Grand Comics Database.

I bought this issue back in the day, and haven't seen these articles since then. Here are the essays in their entirety:


By the way, the cover is by Steve Ditko.

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