Monday, May 22, 2006

Traditional Irish Music Session

Went to a traditional Irish music session yesterday. Much Guinness, music and dancing went on! My wife played fiddle, along with a couple other fiddlers, a guitarist, a woman on the bodhrán (drum) and some Irish dancers.

I'm not a musician, so I sat at the bar and drew ....


  1. Anonymous6:44 PM

    this scene needs more interpretation by artists outside the tradition. Your drawings capture a lovely sense of the evening. More please!

  2. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Hi, I was searching for pictures with irish trad music on and I found your drawings. I really liked it and would like to use a part of one of then in a website that I'm building at the moment for an Irish pub in Dublin.

    My email address is:


  3. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Searching for pictures of trad music and came across your drawings. I would love to use one of them on a simple flyer I am making for a trad session I play at with some mates. Would that be ok??

  4. Thanks for your query. You're welcome to contact me by my email address mike[@]
