Monday, July 24, 2006

The Cartoon Mural at the Overlook Lounge

Below is the cartoon mural at the Overlook Lounge (244 East 44 Street, between Second and Third Avenues) as it appeared on July 20, 2006.

Background: Cartoonists converged on the Overlook in November 2005 to create it. I helped organize that event last fall. It was great fun, with dozens of my friends and colleagues showing up and drawing, all in exchange for some food and drink generously donated by the Overlook partners, Jeff, Pat & Mark.
And since then, more have dropped in and you can see how it is filling up.

Don Orehek took 2 hours to fill the large 3 pigs cartoon. All I knew is I wanted my cartoon to be next to Don's, since I am a fan!

Other featured cartoonists: Nick Downes, Sam Norkin, Andy Eng, Arnie Roth, Mell Lazarus, Frank Springer, Mikhaela Reid, Bill Gallo, Brain Kates, Sal Amendola, Guy Gilchrist.

Joe Giella used some kinda chalk to color Mary Worth and now she seems to hover over all of the others.
Other featured cartoonists: Mike Lynch, Peter Porges, John Caldwell, Chris Browne, Dan Piraro, John Klossner, Mort Gerberg, Anne Gibbons, Robert Leighton, Stephanie Piro.

More cartoonists: Ted Rall, Sy Barry, Al Jaffee, Rina Piccolo, Brendan Burford, Stan Goldberg, Bill Kresse, Ted Slampyak, Arnie Levin, Nick Meglin, Rick Stromoski.

Patrick Merrell wrote and drew a special crossword for the mural.

More cartoonists: Sam Viviano, Mort Walker, Bunny Hoest & John Reiner, Taylor Jones, Jules Feiffer, Al Scaduto, Irwin Hasen, Gerry Mooney, Henrik Rehr, Doug Bratton and Joe Edwards drawing Li'l Jinx.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting these images!

    Now if someone would just find a way to stop drunk non- cartoonists from scribbling on the wall...
