Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Our Sweet Max

To our friends and family:

Our beloved cat Max died unexpectedly today. He was approximately 5-6
years old. Max had recently developed a condition we guessed was asthma
and he was at the vets today for diagnosis when he died.

Some of you know that Max was an extremely shy cat who always hid from
strangers but with us he was one of the sweetest, most affectionate
cats ever. Those of you who managed to catch a glimpse of him as he ran
from the room at your arrival may have known how beautiful he was but
what you don't know is that he had the softest, sleekest coat and the
longest, seal-like whiskers and the sweetest, funniest face of any cat,

Max was an adult rescue when we adopted him 4 years ago. We have always
credited Max with giving Bertie (who loved him immediately) an extra 3
years of life. His sunny, sweet nature allowed him to accept and love
the nearly-feral Rufus, who himself, learned to play and to love from
gentle Max.

We feel stunned and cheated and very sad. Four years wasn=92t nearly
long enough but we were privileged to have him be a part of our lives.

"Max Is A Gem Of A Cat" -- that was the sign on the cage he was living
in before we adopted him. Those words were true and we will love him
and miss him forever.

Mike and Stacy


  1. I'm so sorry to hear this Mike. I can't bear to get a new dog and it has been about 15 years since mine passed away. One day maybe.

  2. Thanks so much for your kind words.
