Sunday, November 19, 2006

STAR TREK Mirror, Mirror

For no particular reason (except for the fact that TV Land is rerunning a ton of TOS TREK, and local Channel 4 will broadcast the TREK REMASTERED later tonight), here's some STAR TREK video links:

Here's all the enhanced efx from the classic remastered Trek episode MIRROR, MIRROR. It's the "Spock with a beard" episode.

Nice touch: In pretty much EVERY episode of Classic Trek, the ship goes from left to right around a planet. The alternate universe Enterprise orbits from right to left. The efx still don't look near as good as they should be and the rumor is that they are sorting out the bugs as they go along.

Classic Trek mini-blooper: you can see the man behind the door here in this 14 second clip from MIRROR, MIRROR. Like a lot of you, I've seen the episode more than once and never, ever noticed this.

The Mirror Universe idea resurfaced more than once in other Trek incarnations, like Deep Space Nine and Enterprise. A short video plays homage to these sexy Women of the Mirror Universes here.

Of course, in The Original Series, the Captain gets ALL the women!

1 comment:

  1. Is this the stuff the studio is doing? It's looks nice! I'm surprised that I like it! It seems to keep the vibe of the period nicely.
