Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Drawing Dick Cheney with Editorial Cartoonist Justin Bilicki

My thanks to editorial cartoonist Justin Bilicki for letting me know about this video.

The canned laughter and applause aside, Justin is at ease here and he really should do chalk talks in front of people.

I remember Tom Gill (who used to draw The Lone Ranger comic books) telling me about the NCS USO tours to Korea & Europe, and the chalk talks that he would do, along with people like Caniff, Rube Goldberg, etc. Justin would've been a natural.

Another great link: the Bilicki Blog.

1 comment:

  1. Around 1966-1967, when I was 12 or 13 and lived in Silver Spring, Md., the Smithsonian had a series of chalk talks by cartoonists. I caught Al Capp, Chester Gould, and Walt Kelly, who was one of my heroes. They all put on a great talk -- though Gould had a hard time hearing audience questions -- and I was lucky to see them. (Also in the series were Alex Kotzky, who I missed, and perhaps a few others.)
