Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mayerson on Animation: Marjane Satrapi at the New York Film Festival

From the Mayerson on Animation blog comes video of Marjane Satrapi at the New York Film Festival.

She co-directed the movie version of her graphic novels PERSEPOLIS and PERSEPOLIS 2, which are coming of age stories of her life, growing up in Iran. As Mark Mayerson suggests, it's worth watching that first clip for insight into her story and why she chose to an animated story instead live action.

PERSEPOLIS is a very good graphic novel and the movie version is scheduled to be released in the US this fall. It is France's Academy Awards entry.

Sony Pictures PERSEPOLIS movie site.


  1. I went to the movie's site and, is it just me and an out-of-date browser, or is nothing happening there at all?

  2. Just checked it and all works OK for me, though YouTube was (as it sometimes is) s l o w.
