Tuesday, January 15, 2008

European Cartoon Center Tour Video

Did you know that there's a European Cartoon Centre in Belgium? I didn't -- not til I saw the below video tour from a European TV show. Looks like a beautiful place! And saying "Centre" instead of plain old "Center" is just so classy!

I've looked at the Web site and I'm ready to go and visit. Sure looks interesting. Lots of gorgrous, color, wordless, single panel cartoons. The hardest cartoons to do!

Let's load up the Mike Lynch Cartoons Bus and visit. Then, afterward, if you all behave yourselves, we'll have mussels and frites!


  1. Hello Mike,
    You ain't seen nothing yet. I know the ECC since a few months now and
    it's a great organisation. Nice people with an incredible knowledge about cartoons, relations with cartoonists and cartoonists organisations around the world... and most important of all there's a great atmosphere of friendship and humor.
    So, when do you come to eat mussels and frites?

  2. Mike, the ECC is in the sticks of a place called Kruishoutem, Belgium. But in Brussels itself is The Museum of Comic Strip Art. I was there in 2006 and was amazed at the hundreds of exhibits on comic strips and single panel cartoons. The emphasis was definitely and understandably on the Belgian cartoonist Herge (Georges Remi) and his famous creation, Tintin.
    Be sure to include the Brussels museum on your bus itinerary.
