Wednesday, May 21, 2008

62nd Annual Reuben Awards Ceremony

I'm off to the National Cartoonists Society's annual Reubens weekend. I don't do live blogging. I know it's very 1990s of me, but I want to hang out, talk shop, etc.

I was having a phone conversation with a book publisher. When I mentioned the upcoming Reubens, she wanted to sell her (cartoonist oriented) book at the NCS convention. No, it's not that kinda event, I tried to explain. No huckster room. (Do they still call it that?) This is a pro-to-pro annual get together. There are some presentations, some dinners (including the black tie Reubens banquet Saturday night), but the best thing is meeting a lot of people who do the same thing that you do ... and hanging out with them.

See you next week with some photos and stories.

The above grand Rube Goldberg self portrait is from the cover of the 1972 revised edition of the NCS Album, edited by Mort Walker. The "Reubens" are named in Mr. Goldberg's honor.


  1. Mike, have a FANTASTIC time in New Orleans. I look forward to what you will have to share...and wish like heck I could be there to partake in the fun! Have a blast!
    _ Bucky

  2. Have a great time this weekend!!!

  3. Thanks, Guys. As you can see, it was fun -- but I still am tired out from having all that fun!
