Sunday, July 27, 2008

Drawing Cartoons with Stephanie Piro

"What does everyone love to do? Draw cartoons, right? Let’s get started. Got your pens and paper ready? First, what is the most important part of a cartoon? Believable characters. Your character must come alive for your readers. OK."

I loved Stephanie Piro's cartoon-filled entry about drawing cartoons at The Six Chix blog! (No permalink, but it's at the top of the blog queue now.) Stephanie hosts a popular local cartoon club for kids and just by looking at her entry, you can see why it's popular! So much FUN!


  1. Thanks for the link, Mike! You are the best!

  2. Hey Mike -- the Six Chix blog has permalinks: click on either the title of the post or the comments link.

  3. I don't understand! Who wouldn't want to be a pirate?!?!

  4. Johnny, thanks for the permalinks info.
