Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Cartoons by Mike Lynch UPDATED

Since I'll be interviewed live on Friday by Mr. Media (UPDATE: THE INTERVIEW IS RESCHEDULED TO FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH AT 2PM EST.), I thought I should post some of my own Mike Lynch cartoons on the Mike Lynch Cartoons blog so people can see more of what it I do.

Photocopy cartoon: When I had a regular job, I had the closest office to the photocopy machine. At least a dozen people a day would stick their head in my office asking me to help them with a photocopy-related question. Of course, I had no idea. Photocopiers are complicated and bizarre; it's like they're designed by Lewis Carroll.

Hmm. There's a cartoon idea in there somewhere.

I learned, while drawing cartoons about heaven, that the cartoons are only funny if heaven is turns out to be a brutal disappointment.

Above: It's the wonky eyeballs on those chickens that I like. The whole idea is that one chicken is imprisoned in the chicken farm and his pal is on the outside. I'm not sure that it works at all now that I peek at it again.

Above: a cartoon from that was in WSJ. I like to think that this may have been the first time we saw a little sexy swat administered to a businessman in one of those Pepper and Salt cartoons in America's business newspaper.

Above: an anti-homeschooling cartoon is one that an editor may shy away from. This one was rejected many times by many magazines until it was scooped by the good people at Brandweek Magazine, a sister publication to Adweek.

Above: This cartoon has been rejected a lot. I remember showing it to a pal who is a New Yorker cartoonist. We were both in the NYer office and we both had gotten the rejected cartoons from the week before. He laughed very loudly at it. Another cartoonist laughing at your unsold cartoon always takes the sting out of the rejection.

Above: Connections are everything. Duffy, by the way, is a family name.

Above: this is an example of a little cartoon that could. It just chugs right along. I mean, this one has sold a couple of times to business publications. When Dan Piraro put out the call, I redrew the original for a charity auction for an animal sanctuary.

Above: sometimes I get carried away with the milieu. Lots of detail here. I wanted to give the impression that these were some elitist city people who lead the way-too-examined life.

True story: a fellow takes his kid to one of those Chuck E. Cheese restaurants that cater to children, right? And there's this animatronic band of large stuffed animals that play "Hound Dog." So, the kid listens to this and sees these mechanical beasties every time they go there. Now, later on in life, the kid sees an old Elvis Presley movie on TV. The kid points at the TV and says, That dude is totally ripping off the Chuck E. Cheese band!

It's all in the frame of reference.


  1. Anonymous9:30 PM

    The endangered owl one is great, I'm not surprised that it sold many times. Looking forward to your show tomorrow!

  2. Darker and lighter... now THAT'S funny! Heck, they're ALL funny, but the caterpillar's my favorite. Totally weird yet somehow familiar...

  3. Good idea putting this up in advance! Good luck with the interview tomorrow!

  4. The ring tone cartoon slays me.

  5. Looking forward to hearing your interview! Good luck.

  6. A mass-comment thanks to all of you guys for the extremely kind words. Hopefully, you guys can listen in on the now RESCHEDULED DATE of 19 September 2008 @ 2pm.

  7. I just saw this one with the chickens on the phone thru the fence. I think that one is great. One of your better ones in my opinion
