Sunday, September 07, 2008

PERSEPOLIS as Point of Purchase

I was out at one of those big chain stores this morning, a Target store.

Right by the cash registers, there are those point of purchase displays. They displays always have stuff that you might want/need like batteries and chocolates and magazines and things (lipstick, flashlight, flash drive) to put on a key chain, and other enticing little things to coax a last couple dollars out of your pocket before you leave.

There are also racks of DVDs. Most of the DVDs are whatever big movie was showing 90 days ago. It's row upon row of BATMAN and direst to video National Lampoon movies and whatever Ben Stiller was in back in June -- but this little old Target store in Southern New Hampshire had, for the very reasonable asking price of $13.00, the movie PERSEPOLIS.

PERSEPOLIS! Right there next to the latest LARRY THE CABLE GUY movie and the Miley Cyrus concert DVD and HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PUBERTY and all those BIG movies.

Above image drawn at the local diner (the place we stopped after the Target store) while waiting for a sandwich.

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