Monday, September 22, 2008

Video: Jeff Kinney on his DIARY OF A WIMPY KID Series

From the corporate media division at Borders:

Jeff Kinney Talks Diary of a Wimpy Kid:

Jeff Kinney Explains Writing Diary of a Wimpy Kid:


  1. I've seen these books, but I've never checked them out. Good for this guy!

  2. I'm totally stealing these for my blog. Thanks, buddy!

    Mark, I know Jeff and he's a great guy doing good work who really deserves it. It's good to see.

  3. I've read some of DWK online. Jeff is not talking down to the kids. And I loved the bit where he showed the Borders audience his battered notebook from a decade ago, when he started the story. Now that's perseverance!

    Brian, steal away!

  4. These are pretty cool. You should check this new comic strip:
