Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Cartoonists Visit Wounded Troops

Above: Tom Gill on a USO tour. Tom was a member of the National Cartoonists Society from almost the first day of its inception. He traveled with his fellow cartoonists on many USO tours from the early 1950s until 1987. Looking at this photo, I would guess this is the late 50s/early 60s.

Everything that's old is new again.

This past Monday, a number of cartoonists (Jeff Keane ("The Family Circus" and current NCs President), Rick Kirkman ("Baby Blues"), and Stephan Pastis ("Pearls Before Swine"), among others) went to Walter Reade to entertain the troops. This wasn't the first time that current-day cartoonists have done this, and it won't be the last.

Hat tip to E&P via Mike Rhodes' ComicsDC blog.

Photo from the Tom Gill Collection as printed in his autobio THE MISADVENTURES OF A ROVING CARTOONIST.


  1. I went out to dinner with them on Sunday night up in Maryland. I hope they make the troops laugh as hard as they made me laugh, and they probably will.

  2. These guys are the best.
