Saturday, December 06, 2008

James Stevenson

I don't know why, but James Stevenson's NT Times series of Op Art pieces, titled "Lost and Found New York," seem to fly below the radar. He's done the same sort of work for The New Yorker. I never hear anyone talking about them and haven't run across a blog about them.

I love stumbling across his occasional piece of historical nonfiction in a weekend edition of the paper. Here's his latest, Ice King, about a Bath, ME born financial titan/corrupt businessman Charles Wyman Morse. In sketchbook style, Stevenson lays out the financial successes and immoral excesses of a a guy who went to NYC, had it all, made millions, and what it all meant. It takes a couple of minutes to read.

I like how hand-drawn and and-lettered the piece is. It is like looking at Stevenson's Moleskine. Sadly, there are no hyperlinks at the Times to his other "Op Art" items. This is a shame. They're all good non-fiction cartooning.

1 comment:

  1. I've never seen that before. Good stuff, and an interesting intersection of cartooning and journalism that becomes a little bit more than either. Thanks for the pointer!
