Monday, December 08, 2008

Sixth Finger Commercial

Above: What TV is all about, from MAD Magazine's on-the-mark "Howdy Dooit" parody by Kurtzman & Elder. Image pulled from the Gatochy Blog's Will Elder tribute, wherein you may read the entire parody and more.

I remember wanting some odd things that TV told me to buy when I was a kid, but I had never been exposed to the commercial below. I can't imagine desiring a little peach colored piece of plastic generating such passion.

But, hey, in the 1960s, there wasn't as much going on. At least not in Iowa ....

Unrelated, of course, that OUTER LIMITS episode.

1 comment:

  1. getting caught up on blogs - I admit to having a "6th finger". It came out (as might be guessed) during the big spy toy craze of the James Bond - Man from UNCLE era. It was obviously one of those concepts that sounds more fun than they actually were...
