Wednesday, December 10, 2008

uclick Hopes to Roll Out Hundreds of Comics for iPhone

Above: image from uClick's home page today.

Here's an article by Heidi MacDonald from the December 8th edition of Publishers Weekly about putting comics on the iPhone.

"Each issue of a comic costs just $0.99, although eventually longer stories may have higher price points. The uclick store already carries titles from IDW (the just announced The Thief of by Always by Clive Barker), Image (Elephant Men and Godland), Papercutz and Mirage, as well as comic strips—Pibgorn—and self published titles—Jeff Smith's Bone. By next year uclick hope to have hundred of new comics available on iTunes, says CEO Douglas Edwards, and creating original content is not out of the question."
Hat tip to Comics Reporter.

Regardless of recent graphic novels sales declining, newspapers folding -- people still love comics. But will they pay for this kind of content on the iPhone?


  1. I'd love comics on my Kindle, but I don't think the current version of the Kindle can support detailed illustrations.

  2. I'm writing a piece on this and on other aspects of your very points, for Sunday, Mike (maybe to appear on the FPI Blog early next week). Can you email me your thoughts on it, I'd like a quote or two I can use along with a cartoon of yours which I'll format for an iPod or somesuch.

  3. Done well and priced right this could work. That being said, I'm betting somewhere in there this falls prey to committee-think and dies a horrible death.

    I hope I'm wrong.
