Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ernst & Saunders, Kelly, Lazarus, Schulz, Walker: "Comic Strips They'd Really Like To Do"

Above: Mort Walker writes and draws an adventure strip for Mad #89.

Found on eBay:

From left, counter clockwise (do you really need to know who these guys are?): Mell Lazarus, Mort Walker, Ken Ernst, Charles Schulz, Allen Saunders, and Walt Kelly.

In 1964, MAD Magazine asked top cartoonists to draw their "dream" comic strip.

Chaos, obviously, ensued, in the 4 page feature titled "Comic Strips They'd Really Like To Do:"

They are all funny and intriguing, with Mell Lazarus' contribution maybe the most visually arresting. Here's a scan of the original art:

And below is Ernst & Saunders' version PEANUTS, complete with a MARY WORTH cameo:

These three pieces of original art are offered for sale by the Lewis Wayne Gallery on eBay this week.

I'm not associated with the Gallery. I just thought theses were some unique and (to me) unknown pieces of American cartoon art.


  1. You find the coolest stuff, Lynch! Wow!

  2. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Those are probably worth a TON of money on eBay. Thanks for posting the nice relics Mike.

  3. Honetlsy, Mark, I just stumbled onto these. But, yeah, they are probably more secure investments than a 401k.

    Nick, I guess that they are worth a lot. Isn't it telling that the Schulz original is not offered? Maybe it's being held for a bigger auction.

    This has been a week of Mell Lazarus!
