Sunday, February 22, 2009

Matt Forsythe: Ojingogo Book Cover Design

Cartoonist Matt Forsythe talks about designing the cover of his graphic novel OJINGOGO.

"I was also taking photos of book covers wherever I went. ... Ray and I did book launches together in Toronto. He told me he originally wanted to silkscreen white ink onto the cover - similar to Dash Shaw’s Bottomless Bellybutton cover."

Hat tip to Matt himself for his blog entry.


  1. Anonymous5:29 PM

    That's a nice book cover, very fairy-tale storybookesque.

  2. I liked that. Cover design is a whole different discipline than anything else involved in publishing a book, in my experience. Covers are half narrative, half marketing, and involve a lot of people whose interests and taste don't always intersect.

    I've never met Matt, but like his work on Ojingogo very much. It's great stuff. Thanks for the link.

  3. I like the idea of going around, taking photos of covers you like.

    For those of you who don't know (and shame on you), Brian has been keeping all of us close on behind the scenes doings in the run up to the publication of his new graphic novel WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE WORLD OF TOMORROW?

    It was my pleasure to meet Matt at the SPX in October. He graciously signed a copy of his book with a gorgeous sketch. I thought OJINGOGO one of the best books of 2008. I love Matt's inky line.

  4. OK, gotta go pick that one up...
