Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Video: Harry Bliss

Do you want to sell a cartoon or a cover painting to The New Yorker? Cartoonist Harry Bliss has done both, and in this video, he shows us a challenge involved in selling to a magazine that has been publishing cartoons for 84 years. Content highlights: this video includes foul language directed at a fellow cartoonist, and a peek at Harry's bookshelf.


  1. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I was wondering where this was going, but it turned out to be pretty funny. Thanks for sharing, Mike.

  2. Man, that was funny! I think that's the dread you feel when you get an impossibly good idea: where did that come from? That's one reason I have a lot of respect for you panel cartoon guys, and could never do it myself--I'm pretty sure every "original" gag I'd ever come up with actually appeared in MAD forty years ago.

  3. Greg, we should all be doing videos. Just take a look at my pal Mark Anderson's latest cartoon video:

    Brian, the reminds me -- can I put in some "MAD maginals" into your next graphic novel?

  4. Thanks, Mike. So scary! But, well, the art department approved it, where were they?
