Tuesday, March 03, 2009

"That Kind of Language" Cartoons

Some cartoons where people are not speaking down to you, drawn in some different mediums.

"On the downstairs freezer, you can view some of my earlier work."

A kid cartoon. I'm not so sure about this gag. Here's my back story:

I remember that half-way through a school year, the family fridge actually had layers of art project strata on it by me and my sister. We had no downstairs freezer where art could migrate to, sadly. Some friends down the street did have a freezer in their basement. It was the same basement where we had Cub Scout meetings and I saw thei art, dusty and curling, on that freezer, for years. Even today, to have a cartoon of mine clipped and put on a fridge is the ultimate. Published in First for Women magazine. Drawn in a breezy style with a micron.

"Not now. Daddy's got this whole burden of desire thing going on"

Part of a series of cartoons I did about urban families.

I wanted to show that "Daddy" was a bit of a poser, so I drew him with a ponytail, jams & flip-flops. I have no idea what he's up to at that double-screened computer, but, hey, the Internets is an amazing place here in 2009 and you don't get these years to surf back. Orginally published in the Chronicle of Higher Education. Conte crayon & wash.

"You're confusing my arch tone with my wry tone."

A sour married couple, reading their Sunday Times. I showed this to Bob Mankoff at The New Yorker. He said, and I agree, that "arch" and "wry" are about the same thing. The cartoon was "pulled," but then returned (not bought). Charcoal on typing paper. I should have drawn this on Arch paper, huh? Note characterful items like a knitting thingy, a display case for some fancy plates and the French style chair against the wall.

"He's quite a man of letters -- lower case ones."

More kids talking like older people. The phrase "a man of letters" isn't used very much and so would be a dubious way to impress a schoolmate. Ink, crayon & wash. The letters on the blackboard are a Photoshop effect.

"I've got to hang up. It's la sacre du printemps time."

Above: one of my favorite cartoons I drew for BBC Music Magazine. Obviously, this thing falls flat if you don't know what la sacre du printemps means. If you feel it's a burden not to know, try the Internet. You're soaking in it now. Ink & wash on paper.

"I had an unexpressed thought yesterday."

The kid speaking has the only bit of black-spotting in the drawing, which focuses the viewer's eyes. I drew this just before the first Hellboy movie came out, hence the poster. My Brooklyn neighborhood was changing and it was suddenly full of precocious children who gave, loudly and clearly, an earful of opinions and observations as they went in and out of the shops with Mummy. The cartoon was one of those that "just happened." Originally published in Barron's. Pen on paper.

"It's the Liebermans. Quick -- are they air kissers or full contact?"

And is there going to be back slapping and pinching of cheeks? More social concerns from the big city, where everyone walks everywhere and you never know who you'll bump into. Orginally published in the Chronicle of Higher Education. Ink and wash on paper.

"Harold, have you ever heard the term 'Jump the Shark?'"

If he does not know, Harold will always remember this educational moment. And publicans will make a tidy sum on his thinking/drinking it over. Ink on paper. Another very simple, liney drawing with some black-spotting in the hair for a focal point.

"I printed my aphorisms on wallet cards."

A legend in his own mind. Based on a fellow I know who looked like this at the time. Soft charcoal on paper.

"Stop demonizing my french fries."

My first of two "Stop ..." cartoons, where we can imagine what the woman has said to the man. Conte crayon & wash on paper.

"Stop ending every sentence with 'as is my wont.'"

The above cartoon sold quickly to a UK magazine. I think these people live in the same building as the "wry tone" people do. Pen on paper; coloring in PhotoShop.

As always, more cartoon at my Web site.


  1. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Great to see more of your cartoons, as always. The "air kissers or full contact" one is my favorite of the batch. I can completely relate!

  2. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Thanks for sharing your insights Mike. Love the drawing in the "burden of desire" gag. What a tease by Mankoff! That must have been frustrating.

  3. Thanks for your comments, guys.

    "Air kissers" is a fave of mine too, Greg. That corner that I drew is a block from my Brooklyn apt, the corner of Smith St. & Dean.

    Barry, I've been teased by the best. Thanks for feeling my pain!

  4. LOVE the cartoons, but "you're soaking in it now" killed me.

    There's a cartoon in there somewhere...

  5. The sketchy works. Also the profound/intellectual where you don't expect it. (reversal of expectations)

    Of course, all of this analysis kills the joke. But good jokes are hard!

    It's fun to follow or observe people. I drew this perfect angry guy today, bald, in camouflage, leading a dangerous dog. Haven't figured out a caption.
