Monday, March 23, 2009

Video: Siskel & Ebert: STAR TREK V (1989)

I stumbled upon this 4 minute video of Gene Siskel & Roger Ebert reviewing the then-new STAR TREK V: THE FINAL FRONTIER movie. If you watch, you'll hear them use words like "mess" and "no energy" and so on. I won't quibble. STAR TREK V may have had some good scenes (my own sister likes the "row, row, row your boat" bits that bracket the film, and I like some of the dialogue -- "Captain, not in front of the Klingons." "Don't you know a jail break when ye see one?"), but the picture does not hang together. Heck, "the Enterprise crew meets God" idea was a bad one to begin with. You can't deliver on meeting THE God. Not in a mainstream movie.

Here's hoping for better reviews 20 years on, for that new STAR TREK movie.


  1. Well what'cha except from a movie directed by SHATNER? I also agree on the premise that the whole meeting God thing was a bad idea. Futurama may have been able to pull it off, but that doesn't mean a Star Trek movie can.

  2. Goodness I miss Siskel...

    "Everything's getting sloshed in this film!"


    And they're right... That landing is straight out of a bad 50's monster movie...


  3. V is far, far away the worst Star Trek film, but it paradoxically has one of my favorite Kirk moments of all time. "Excuse me. What does God need with a starship?" says everything about James T. that anyone would need to know.
