Monday, June 22, 2009

Ed Piskor's graphic novel creates sensation among genre's fans

By Tony Norman, in today's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. A profile of Ed Piskor and the effect that a gushing review in Wired had on his self-published comic. Samples at the above link.

Hat tip to Dad for this! Thanks, Dad!


  1. Hi Mike-I was fortunate enough to have another chance to meet with Ronald Searle last weekend. Brief report on my artblog-more to come on the Searle blog soon.

  2. Ed's pretty great, Mike. I did a piece on his work with Harvey Pekar, and that made me look out Wizzywig. It's nice to see he is creating a stir with some excellent work.

  3. Hi Mike

    Thanks for linking this article. I appreciate it.

    Rob, Thanks for the props, brother!
