Thursday, June 11, 2009

Incoming Playboy CEO: ‘I Believe the Magazine Will Come Back’

Here's hoping.

The new Chief Executive of Playboy Enterprises, Inc., Scott Flanders, assumes his role on July 1st. Jason Fell writes a Q&A with Mr. Flanders at Folio.

FOLIO:: During the Playboy’s last earnings call, interim CEO Jerome Kern said the company was eying “radical” changes to the print business model. What are your thoughts about turning that portion of the business around?

Flanders: I’m a big believer in print—particularly the viability for glossy magazines. That reader experience can’t and won’t be duplicated online, even where I see the reader technology moving. What Playboy is confronting is an advertising recession. Playboy is having to shrink to grow in the future. I don’t believe the magazine has lost its relevance. It’s the largest read men’s magazine in the world, including the Web site that generates over three million unique visits per month and almost 50 million page views. I believe the magazine will come back.

Photo nicked from Freedom Communications.

Hat tip to Journalista!

1 comment:

  1. It's always great to hear this kind of news. I hope it works out for all you freelancers out there, my heart goes out to you in these trying times.
