Thursday, August 20, 2009

International Society of Caricature Artists 2009 Annual Caricature Convention and Competition

The International Society of Caricature Artists 2009 Annual Caricature Convention and Competition is coming up this November in Sandusky, OH. It's a massive week-long event featuring some MAD Magazine greats. The deadline for discounted early registration is September 15th. This is a great chance to meet and talks with some wonderful guys who are great caricaturists. Tom Richmond has all the details.

"Ordinary these conventions are only open to members of the organization. For the first time this year there will be a special fee of $99 for anyone who is not a member but wants to attend just the MAD speaker presentations. I warn you, though, if you are a caricaturist or cartoonist and attend just for the speakers you will be so blown away by the creative power of the event you will likely apply for membership on the spot and end up drawing away like the other 150 plus attending artists."
This is going to be a huge event.


  1. Are you going there, Mike? I was sort of planning to come over to Ne York in november and I would love to see you. On the other hand, meeting and possibly interviewing) Herman Meijo would be great as wll.

  2. I don't know if I'd be able to attend. I know Sam & Tom & Stephen, and would love to meet the one and only Hermann Mejia, but NYC is closer .... Let's talk it up via email, Ger!
