Monday, October 12, 2009

Dave Coverly Live at the Kalamazoo Concert Band UPDATED

From October 10, 2009: Here is some video of Reuben Award winner SPEEDBUMP cartoonist Dave Coverly drawing LIVE, on stage, with the Kalamazoo Concert Band as backup. The band is playing, I believe, a cartoon soundtrack composed by Raymond Scott. You'll know the music as soon as you hear it.

LOOK at Dave's GIANT hand, hovering over the stage, drawing BIG BIG BIG - unaided by special effects or, so far as I can tell, pencil layouts! Go Dave, go!

This is part of the "Clowning Around with the KCB and Speed Bump's Dave Coverly" concert. If someone has some more video, please post a link.

This looks like a great event and I just stumbled onto it on YouTube. I wish I could have been there. it would have been a fun night.

My thanks to Wandering Educators for posting the video.

Related: Speedbump: The Comic World of Dave Coverly exhibition at the Kalamazoo Institute of the Arts through January 10, 2010.

Top photo of Dave is by Scott Stewart and nicked from the Detroit Business site.

UPDATE: This video was pulled and now you get a message like this one:

It sounds like we need to be a friend of the Wandering Educators to view it.

Sorry about that. I hope that the video is put back up.

My thanks to Mark Anderson for the heads up! Thanks, Mark!


  1. The name of the song is "Powerhouse," and was indeed composed by Raymond Scott. It was a popular choice of Carl Stalling for Bugs Bunny cartoons (especially when construction was going on).

    Man, if orchestras played more pieces like this, I'd be a season ticket holder!

  2. Argh! I couldn't get it to play. GRR!!!

  3. I viewed it and since they took it off let me tell you what you missed.
    AN orchestra played music (the music Robert Gidley referred to) while Dave Coverly drew a cartoon on an overhead. The cartoon he drew was a conductor who had been swishing his stick back and forth, unintentionally putting off his belt, causing his pants to fall down.

  4. Thanks, Robert, for IDing the music!

    Mark: GRR! indeed! I hope the vid gets put backup.

    Dan, thank you for the play by play! And I'm glad you were able to see it!
