Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Happy 4th Anniversary

Above: a drawing of my cluttery desk.

Happy birthday to this here blog, which turned 4 years old this past weekend.

When I first started, I didn't tell anyone what I was doing. I thought for sure I would run out material in a short while.

Like Yoshihiru Tatsumi says, being a cartoonist is like being lost in the desert, going from oasis to oasis; it is, as his 2009 autobiographical book title sums it up, A DRIFTING LIFE. There is no set path to cartooning success. You just keep working, hoping for the best. If an editor likes your work, you will make a sale. If fans like your cartoons, some of them will buy a t-shirt or a book.

So, all my thanks for being out there. This blog has grown so fast with massive traffic. And I hope it's been of value to some.


  1. Congratulations Mike, I love your blog. Thanks so much for writing it!

  2. 4 candles to you Mike. Youre blog is a great source of info and fun to me.

  3. Keep up the great work, Mike! This is a great example of how informative your blog is--even in the anniversary post, you put up a link to something of interest!

  4. I'm drinking to the next 4 years! Happy birthday!

  5. Congratulations Mike. Your tireless daily efforts inspire and entertain me to no end. Keep it going!

  6. Always a good read Mike. Happy Birthday.

  7. Thanks for four great years Mike! I still love the blog and it's been inspirational and informational.

  8. Congratulations and here's to another 4 years, and even more. This is the one blog I return to nearly every day for a regular dose of ... well, it could be anything, and that's the beauty of it!

  9. Happy Anniversary, Mike! I stop by every morning. :)

  10. Ditto for me, Mike. It's the first blog I check out, and the only one I read almost every day. Thanks for all your great advice. Live long and prosper!

  11. Thanks for your kind words, guys. I know your time is valuable and the fact that you make this place part of your WWW routine makes me happy and even blush a bit.

    Cheers, all!

  12. Yay, Happy Anniversary Mike!

  13. Happy Blogthday Mikey!

  14. A day late, but what the heck!!!!
    Congrats, Mike. I learned so much from you and your blog.
