Thursday, March 04, 2010

Video: Vaughn Shoemaker

Where did "John Q. Public" come from? From the pen of Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Vaughn Shoemaker!

From You’ll never become a cartoonist… by David Malone:

"At the age of 20, a storybook situation brought the first break of his life. The chief cartoonist for the News left to take a position in New York City. His assistant had gone to take another position in the same city, and the second assistant had to leave because of illness in his family.

"'You, Shoemaker!' the boss shouted. 'Draw something, anything, until I can get a cartoonist somewhere.'"

1 comment:

  1. I love a good motivational story. They told Elvis he couldn't sing, Joni Mitchell she couldn't write and Fred Astaire he couldn't dance. Thanks for sharing that, Mike.
