Friday, April 23, 2010


Starting my day off with an October 20, 1968 POGO Sunday strip via the Whirled of Kelly blog.

A lot to admire here, as usual. Walt Kelly packs in a lot of conversation and jokes and wordplay (not to mention his gorgeous character design and inking). I always think of Watterson's description of POGO as the last of the "enjoy the ride" strips -- and this Sunday is a grand example of a wonderful ride.

A ride to where? Well, the destination's not the point, tad!

My thanks to blog creator Thom Buchanan for posting these and keeping Mr. Kelly in the blogoverse.


  1. Hey Mike--thanks for the shoutout. Having posted all of Kelly's Pogo in Pandemonia strips, and bunches of other Kelly stuff, with bunches yet to come, I am still dazzled by what Kelly accomplished in his lifetime. We're still not getting enough Kelly fans over to see little-seen work, so I appreciate any PR.

    I wasn't aware of your blog, but now that I am, I plan on reading regularly and linking to it as well. Nice work! I'm a lifelong fan of the NCS.

  2. Kelly is one of the cartoonists that captured me as a kid and he keeps on doing it. Your blog is a regular stop -- and -- you're right -- more should stop in and see some of that Kelly magic!
