Friday, May 21, 2010

Come See Us at the Maine Comics Arts Festival on Sunday!

Mike Lynch and Mark Anderson will be at the Maine Comics Arts Festival all day on Sunday, May 23, 2010! Come on over and say hi and buy our comics, OK??? OK!!!

Apologies to Mssrs. Lemire and Wood for messing around with their poster above!


  1. Love your version of the poster. After following your advice last year, I'm one of the "other people" in this year's show!

  2. All the fun stuff is happening on the other coast! When will you be coming to the west? We've got the Charles Schulz Museum here in Santa Rosa and they host comic artists. It's a great museum, and it's always been fun when we've gone to see and listen to the comic illustrators. If there's anything I can do to help you and anyone else come to visit, let me know!

  3. You all have fun up there. Tell Mark HI and I still owe you a phone call.

  4. And post some photos please!

  5. Hi, Mike. It was good to see you today and to meet Mark Anderson. I'm reading his book tonight! I gave your cartooning basics book to my kids!

