Thursday, May 20, 2010

Michael Maslin on Bernie Schoenbaum

New Yorker cartoonist Michael Maslin writes a remembrance of fellow cartoonist Bernie Schoenbaum
"There was a like-ability to Bernie's work. His soft lines and washes were easy on the eyes. He had his absurd moments as well. There was a memorable drawing of a man idly sitting in a book-lined room, startled by a book that's hopped off a shelf. The book says to the man, 'Read me.'"

The Bernie Schoenbaum cartoon sketch and finish are nicked from Robert Greenberg's site.

1 comment:

  1. You nicked these two from my website and i couldn't be happier! Bernie was my grandmothers cousin and he gave me that sketch when i was a kid at a BBQ at his pool. Then for many years he sent really fun Holiday cards to us... Years later i moved to NYC to become an artist and started drawing my Crocs but the first drawing i ever did on a bar napkin was of my memory of the sketch he gave me. He did a cartoon about my napkin drawings of crocs after I gave him credit for helping start my career with that simple sketch. Then many years later i was at Barnes and Noble flipping through a book about the Martini and there was the final version of the sketch he gave me as a kid. I had no idea how much that quick sketch had influenced my future career as an artist in the city! I am so happy that you put them together on your site.
    Thanks for keeping his Illustrious memory alive!
    Regards, Robert S. Greenberg
