Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Video: Schulz Museum Sketch-a-thon

This past Saturday, the Schulz Museum had a bunch of cartoonists in for a public sketch-a-thon.

Many cartoonists were there: Brent Anderson, Michael Capozzola, Rhoda Draws, Alexis Fajardo, Brian Fies, Shaenon Garrity, Mike Gray, Debbie Huey,Greg Knight, Jonathan Lemon, Paul Madonna, Brian Narelle, Thien Pham, Lark Pien, Dan Piraro, Frank Roberson, and Justin Thompson.

My pal Brian Fies was kind enough to write all about his experience at his blog. Do take a look at his grand and touching tribute to Charlie Brown near the end of his post.

The Museum produced this 90 second overview of the events of that day here:


  1. Thanks, Mike! I forgot about that videographer--there were a couple of them running around. Now you know what I look like when I'm inking pumpkins.

    Just want to add my pal Justin Thompson's name to the cartoonist roster. He was a late addition, and actually shows up in the video at about 12 seconds (black shirt).

    It was a great event. If you're ever in the Bay Area, I'm sure the museum would love to do something with you. I might even buy you lunch.

  2. Thanks for letting me know about Justin. I added his name.

    Speaking as someone who has yet to visit the Museum. I love the fact that we all get a good idea of what that area of the Museum looks like in the video.
