Thursday, January 20, 2011

Morning After the "Wintry Mix" January 20, 2011

A bit of the backyard, with the snow clinging to every tree limb like powdered sugar.

Dawn coming up. You can see a bit of the path I dug to get to the backyard bird feeder area.

The long driveway on the right of the photo. Lookit that snow on the trees. So pretty.

The front yard, with the snowed in perennial garden in foreground. You can just make out the feeders as well.

This is about 7am. Sunrise over the house.

Those power lines just ruin the look of nature, don't they?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mike,

    What a beautiful entry. I love seeing the new snow clinging to every surface. Glad you posted a few of these.

    Growing up in California, this is all new to me since moving to Michigan a couple years ago. It was the inspiration for my poster illustration of this year's MSU Comics Forum. (Here's a process breakdown with some snow photos if you're interested.)

    Speaking of which, I gotta go prep for our keynote speaker tonight. Take care, Mike! :)


    Ryan Claytor
    Elephant Eater Comics
