Monday, February 07, 2011


It's been five years! In Internet terms, that's a long time.

Thanks to everyone who stops by and makes my Mike Lynch Cartoons blog a part of their Internet routine. The blog has gotten more and more traffic since I first started it, at the urging of my inky pal Mark Anderson, way back in 2006.

I hope to continue to be a worthy Web surfing pitstop in the future.


  1. Congrats, Mike.

    Make a wish and blow out the candles on your cyber cake.

    Everyone gets a byte.

  2. Congratulations! I do stop here every morning, and I find so much to read, think about, and enjoy. Thanks for the hard work!

  3. Happy 5th, Mike. I read your blog every day and find many of the links to be just what I was looking for. Keep up the great work!

  4. Congratulations, Mike. I've been reading your blog for three years now. It's one of the few I view regularly and I appreciate your eclectic linkings. Something fascinating is always going on here.

  5. That's like 35 in human years, isn't it? Happy fifth and I hope the cake is large and chocolate.

  6. Congratulations Mike! I stop by multiple times a day. It truly is a great resource.

  7. It's my favorite blog. Please keep it up another 5 years!

  8. Thanks very much for the kind words -- here, and on Facebook and Twitter and via email. You guys are too much!
