Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New TINTIN Poster

Here's the first poster for Spielberg's TINTIN movie (THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN: THE SECRET OF THE UNICORN) due December 23rd. It's going to be in what they call motion capture ("mocaps"), wherein human actors are CGI-ed into Hergesque versions of Tintin, the Captain, the Thompsons, etc.

Via Empire.


  1. Interesting that this comes right before the article about the stereotypical mug shots, as I've read criticism about the stereotypical depictions of some of Herge's characters. I look forward to seeing how this is handled in the movie.

  2. I have to laugh at this poster in comparison to the international version. It seems the American one has been dumbed down for the pirate-loving Captain Jack Sparrow crowd of film-goers. I'm excited to see the film although not too thrilled about motion capture. I wish it would have had the look of The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec or Tarsem Singh's The Fall (2006) which totally have the Herge feel.
