Friday, July 08, 2011

HE DREW, SHE DREW Gallery Show

Rochester, NH: All this month you can see HE DREW, SHE DREW, a collection of original cartoon art by Mike Lynch (that's me) and Stephanie Piro (she's GREAT!) at the Portable Pantry Cafe. This is the inaugural Art in the Pantry event. It's a unique opportunity to see original cartoon art by two local professionals (and get some good eats, too)!

Tonight, Friday, July 8th is the reception. Come on over between 7 and 9pm. Say hello and stay for some hors d'Ĺ“uvres and wine.This event is free and open to the public.


  1. Mike
    Sounds like a lot of fun!
    I wish you the best on that. My wife just bought a Chicken Soup for the Soul book that has only Stephanie's cartoons in it.

  2. Mike and Stephanie: Just don't " linger around the grape " Have fun, drink a glass for me.

  3. Mike and Stephanie: Just don't " linger around the grape " Have fun, drink a glass for me.

  4. Mike and Stephanie: Just don't " linger around the grape " Have fun, drink a glass for me.

  5. Roy,
    Do you hear an echo in here?
