Monday, July 11, 2011


Rochester, NH: Friday night, July 8, 2011, was the reception for the gallery show I'm participating in this month with my friend Stephanie Piro. Titled HE DREW SHE DREW, it's the inaugural "Art in the Pantry" original art show.

My thanks to Susan Jackson-Rafter, the chef and owner of The Portable Pantry for hosting.

The event was very well attended, with many artists, business people, musicians, members of the press, curiosity seekers and people who just like cartoons. Well, I suppose that "people who like cartoons" is the common denominator. More thanks to my friends and neighbors who dropped by. Above: Stephanie talks about her cartoons. Paraphrasing one of her comments: "Women like stories and men would rather just read a punchline."

I talked a bit about my cartoons as well, crediting Stephanie with one of my favorite sayings about cartooning: "I cartoon for love, but money's better!" Here are a couple of points I made:

  • I am fortunate that editors who like what I do
  • A good cartoon is based on a universal truth
  • I get ideas by being aware, reading the news, understanding trends, etc.
  • A secret of cartooning: it's hard work
There were other points too, but I can't recall all of them.


Above: nicked from Stephanie's blog: Stephanie Piro and Mike Lynch. Photo by John Klossner.

The show is through Saturday, July 30, 2011 at The Portable Pantry, 12 Hanson Street, Rochester, NH.

1 comment:

  1. This is how I usually locate the cartoonist...look for the lines on their face.
