Sunday, October 30, 2011

Snow Storm, October 30, 2011

12-14 inches of snow up here in the foothills of the White Mountains.

Nope. Not going out today.


Snowy front yard.

The woodpile is at the bottom of the photo.


Drifts up to my knees.

The Adirondack chairs with puffy mounds of the white stuff. They look all marshmallowy.


  1. You made the news here. I mean, the snowstorm did. I immediately thought: I have to have a look at Mike's blog to see some pictures! And there you are! Wish I could be there. I know it's cold an maybe it gets old after a while, but for me it just seems like playtime.

  2. This is the same yard that we saw on October 14? Hard to believe especially as my three sons and I spent the afternoon on a pumpkin farm, sunny and 83 degrees! Sonoma County never gets snow like that. I'd like to see it here at least every now and then. Keep warm!

  3. I don't mind the snow either, Ger. I still love the 4 seasons.

    Yes Rob, this is the same yard. I went back and looked at that 10/14 entry. I can't believe it!

  4. Well that's weird! I thought Buffolo was the official location of the first crazy snowstorm every year! How'd you guys move up on the list?

    Seriously, hope you're OK and drinking hot beverages :-)
