Friday, November 11, 2011

Whirlwind Trip to White Plains

Last weekend I was in Westchester County. Here is the story of that Whirlwind Trip down there and the cartoon class I taught. These are small doodles from my sketchbook, with a bit of watercolor added, and then blown up big (maybe too big) and messy (too messy) for your amusement.

Ready? Then let's begin.

Intimate moment: Here are my touching, parting words to my spouse as I leave her:

Note: only 2 (Trout and Sam) of the five cats are represented in this drawing.

 I stopped four times enroute, either to consume or expel. 

I was fortunate to be able to stay overnight with pals Isabella Bannerman and Jim Nolan. They put me up and fed me in style.

Like I said, maybe it's too messy. Translation of the above panels:

Finally arrive 5.5 hours later at Isy + Jim's home --
Do you want to go into Manhattan?
No thanks - just want to sit still!

We attended a local gallery opening --

Artist: I had to remix the color 100 times before I was happy!
I could draw 100 cartoons in the time it takes him to draw one canvas.

But the best part of hanging with other cartoonists -- SHOP TALK! That's Isy talking on the left and me on the right.

Some interesting information from Jim! I didn't know about "image trackers" and now want to know more!

The next day was cartoon class. I taught for just over an hour.

We drew expressions:

We drew a banjo playing pig and a pig of a person. I told the kids about Guy Francis' and Stacy Curtis' Dueling Banjo Pigs site.

We drew people running:

We drew people running faster:

We drew people running from aliens!

We drew a lot.

My favorite question from one of the kids:

I'll be back, teaching another cartoon class at the White Plains Public Library on November 19, 2011 2-3:15pm!

And a thank you to Gerry Mooney who stopped by and stayed for the whole class! Gerry also snapped a few photos. Thanks for the photos, Gerry!


  1. Fun! Felt like I was on the trip, too! Especially the rest stop!

  2. Those are great Mike. They all look like you're in a huge rush! Yours have the best action.

  3. Thanks for plugging the Dueling Banjo Pigs site!

    I love your journal comics.
    So great!

  4. Man oh man, what I would not have given to attended one of your classes as a kid! Lucky little folks.
