Thursday, April 26, 2012

Cartooning for Corporations

Above: a photo of Sunni Brown, a proponent of the "doodle revolution," from the article.

The Wall Street Journal's Rachel Emma Silverman profiles companies that use doodles in meetings in Doodling for Dollars.

Firms are holding training sessions to teach employees the basics of what's known as visual note taking. Others, like vacation-rental company HomeAway Inc. and retailer Zappos, are hiring graphic recorders, consultants who sketch what is discussed at meetings and conferences, cartoon-style, to keep employees engaged.

Doodling proponents say it can help generate ideas, fuel collaboration and simplify communication. It can be especially helpful among global colleagues who don't share a common first language. Putting pen to paper also is seen as an antidote to the pervasiveness of digital culture, getting workers to look up from their devices. And studies show it can help workers retain more information.

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