Tuesday, May 29, 2012

RACONTEUR #1 Preview

Above: John Klossner's grand wraparound cover for the first issue.

SNEAK PEEK: Here are a few panels from RACONTEUR, the new comic book I did with some other friends of mine. I'm selling it, via Paypal.

It's a terrific comic (yes, I am saying so myself), from "cartoonists who usually don't do this sort of thing."

Inside the 20 page comic book are autobiographical stories by cartoonist who usually draw those single panel gag cartoons like you see in The New Yorker, Down East Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, etc.

It all started like this:

And, of course, what an idea it was!

We all gave ourselves about a 2 week deadline to draw up our individual stories. The only criteria was that they had to be nonfiction stories from life.

David Jacobson, whose latest cartoon appears in The New Yorker, drew a tale about him and his brother and his Dad, and their shared love of baseball -- which led to a moment of horror.

John Klossner writes and draws a unique tale. To say any more would be taking away from it. Above is a small snippet from one of the panels. Amazing art. John also did the cover. His work is regularly seen in The New Yorker and The Wall Street Journal, and lots of other places.

Me, Mike Lynch: I told about the process of cartooning and "the petty indignities that run my life."

Jeff Pert reminiscences about all those great things that made up his childhood: comics, monster models, movies and more. You see Jeff's work on cards and t-shirts and in Down East Magazine. His first collection of cartoons came out last month.

So, that's a peek at RACONTEUR #1.

Please consider buying a copy. It's $5.99 for US delivery.$9.99 rest of the world.
Ship To ...


  1. And the little "Buy Now" button makes it so hard to refuse! Just ordered mine now and am looking forward to reading it. I also think I'm becoming a big Klossner fan; what an attractive style.

    I know what you mean about when a friend calls you up with a great idea for a project and then you kick yourself wondering whatever were you thinking. Don't you hate it when that happens? ;-)

    Best of luck with the book, hope you sell a load.

  2. Hey, Brian! Thanks for buying it. I hope you enjoy it. I'm honored to be among such talent.

  3. I picked this up atMeCAF and it's just great! These guys are all real pros.
