Monday, October 22, 2012

Thanks for Coming to My Talk on 1950s Comics and Cartoons

The talk on comics on the 1950s that I presented Sunday at the Long Island Museum went over very well and we had a terrific crowd for it. Thanks to Lisa Unander, Assistant Director of Education at the Museum for asking me to do this in the first place.

So nice of my friends to show up and support me -- friends like Tony (NEWSDAY) D'Adamo, Stan (ARCHIE) Goldberg, George (NEW YORKER) Booth, Bunny (THE LOCKHORNS) Hoest, and Adrian (childrens book illustrator and exalted leader of the Berndt Toast Gang) Sinnott. You guys are the greatest.

Back home later today. Looking forward to returning to hearth and home -- catching up with my routine and seeing my studio cat "Dropcloth." 

Talk soon,



  1. Hey, is there going to be video or audio of this?

  2. Not that I know of, sorry to say. But I think there's an article about it in today's Newsday ...
