Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Happy 7th Blogiversary, MikeLynchCartoons!

When I began this blog I didn't tell anyone. Not my wife. No one.

Anyone can start a blog, right? But I sure didn't know if I could keep doing it, every danged day, like clockwork. And, more important, would anyone really care about it all?

It's been seven years now.

My thanks the thousands of you who stop by every single day. You are amazing.

Here is a special piece of poetry, a surprise that my wife handed me last night (Blogiversary Eve), that I would like to share. She is amazing too!

Every morning, when I awaken

before my coffee, eggs or bacon

I first check out the news of the day –

but no C-SPAN, no HuffPost, no Fox News (no way!)!

Those that want to be in the know

head to MikeLynchCartoons – it’s THE place to go

for comics news of sundry and various,

things vintage, things gardens, things cats. Arbitrariness?

Well, maybe – but seven years is alot

of scanning, of drawing, of writing whatnot.
And variety is life’s own spice, so they say –

Don’t like what you’re reading? Tomorrow you may…

Happy Blogiversary, MikeLynchCartoons!


  1. I raise my glass in salute - cheers!

  2. I raise my glass in salute - cheers!

  3. I raise my glass in salute - cheers!

  4. Happy Anniversary, Mike!!!
    I look forward to reading it everyday.

  5. Happy Anniversary!
    I think that your wife's poem captures my daily ritual well. I don't pick up the paper until I leave the house, but I do check your blog over oatmeal and tea! A fun way to start the day!

  6. Happy Anniversary!
    I think that your wife's poem captures my daily ritual well. I don't pick up the paper until I leave the house, but I do check your blog over oatmeal and tea! A fun way to start the day!

  7. I would raise my glass in salute but Jim Keefe drank all the booze. Still: congratulations, my friend. More to come.
