Tuesday, March 18, 2014

New CGI PEANUTS Movie Images

Cartoon Brew has a few pictures from the new PEANUTS movie. The movie is going to be a CGI-take on the PEANUTS gang, produced by Craig Schulz, Charles Schulz' son. Above is a sample image from Blue Sky Studios. the film is scheduled to open November 6, 2015.

There should be a new teaser trailer later today. It's here.

The movie is controversial, what with PEANUTS going off-model; away from its pen and ink comic strip model to a stylized 3D look. But it's not the first time that this has happened.

Viewmaster photographed 3D models of the comic strip characters back in the 1960s and 70s. Below are some samples:


William Creswell has a Flickr account that showcases several PEANUTS Viewmaster reels from the 1970s here.

CollectPeanuts.com has many photos of the PEANUTS Viewmaster products here.

John Barrett's Viewmaster Facebook group here.


  1. Wow – those Viewmaster reels from William Creswell are a hoot. It looks like a lot of work went into those.

  2. Ah yes, I had those ViewMaster reels as a kid. There are beautifully constructed, but still, in 3D they always looked a little, well, "off".

    The CGI preview image has an 80s feels to it, looking like an airbrush effect. I think it's quite pretty, and as long as the storytelling is right, I'll take the kids to see it.
