Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Roland Coe

Just a little bit of time this morning to show you a photo of Roland Coe (1906-1954) and point you to some of his work.

Roland Coe's cartoons appeared the Saturday Evening Post, Life, and Esquire. He created a number of comic strips or series, including Crosstown (which appeared in the New York Post), His Nibs (an advertising comic strip for Wheaties cereal), and The Little Scouts, which also was a comic book series published by Dell.



  1. Thank you for posting the Roland Coe work. I was not aware of him until a few minutes ago when, doing a search for Buffalo, NY area cartoonists in a database of old newspapers, I saw a blurb in a 1935 newspaper that a collection of his cartoons was being published by the New York Post. I also discovered that he was from Hamburg, NY, my hometown. So, I'm both happy to see these, and a little bit pissed that my hometown seems to have forgotten him!

  2. Well, here's hoping you can correct that, Jeff!
