Tuesday, January 19, 2016

NYC: Berndt Toast Gang Anniversary Gallery Show at the Society of Illustrators

If you are in NYC, the illustrious Berndt Toast Gang chapter of the National Cartoonists Society is having it 50th anniversary show at the Society of Illustrators. The gallery show is thru the end of February. I am honored to be part of the Gang.

I'll be at the reception on Wednesday, January 20, 1966. While it's open to the public, you gotta RSVP ASAP and there is a fee to come. Hope to see some of you there!

Until then, this blog will be on hiatus.


  1. Never mind the show, I want to go back in time to 1966 with you! I've got a few things to straighten out with a kid in South Dakota.

    (Apologies for teasing you about a typo, but it's a fun one.)

  2. Also, I wish I were there. Hope it's a great opening and show.
