Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Sketchbook: Mike Lynch Cartoons the Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo (MICE)

Four years ago, I attended a convention called the Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo. Here are a few sketches from the event from the blog archive today:


The last Saturday in September I attended the MICE show (Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo)  in Cambridge, MA with my friend John Klossner. 

We set up a table and from 10am til 7pm, people wandered in to look at what kinda of comics we (the people behind the tables) drew and if the comics were worth buying.

This was my first time at the one-day event for small comics creators.

Here are some sketches I did.

This woman was across from me and was very busy:

When your comics are about your own life and no one is buying, it must be depressing.

I'm not sure the table below sold anything, but they were having a grand time:

Yes, this is an actual description of an actual comic I overheard:

 The below story is true! I know this makes my pal Mark Anderson happy:

These were drawn with a Pigma Micron pen and watercolor. Below are the raw scans of my sketchbook pages:


  1. The guy selling autobiographical comics looks like he's having a bit of an existential crisis. By the way, did you run into any other single panel cartoonists?

  2. Ha! Love your people watching details! The guy with the dirty old, teddy bear key-chain hanging off his backpack is great!

  3. Thanks for all the comments and the traffic here. Other than my co-exhibitor at the table, John Klossner, there were no other gag cartoonists. We had a table full of comics (sequential story comics that we had done), as well as prints and cards. It did not go well.

    This would be the last convention I attended as exhibitor.

    Honestly, there is no nice way to say it: many other people who were tabling were damn chilly. I mean that they were not nice. Not interested. I bought comics from a number of them and walked around. It was not a reciprocal experience! No one did the same.
