Tuesday, August 29, 2017

FEIFFER ON NIXON by Jules Feiffer

You know that old saying that there is nothing new in the world, only the history you don't know.

I picked up a copy of FEIFFER ON NIXON by Jules Feiffer at the Fryeburg Flea Market on Sunday. I flipped thru it while standing at the seller's table full of paper ephemera. It was amazing how many of Feiffer's reprinted Village Voice strips, from 1960 to 1974, resonated now. I bought the book, of course, to share. Here are a few. The paperback was published by Random House. These are copyright Mr. Feiffer.

These points that Feiffer makes, about lying, about the congress, about racism -- are sadly on point today. My friend Michael Tisserand posted about this on his Twitter account, adding this great interview by Studs Terkel. There is a whole new Studs Terkel WFMT radio show archive online now.

1 comment:

  1. Proof that a half century later, people still accept the "wisdom" of their democratic and republican overlords. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
