Thursday, March 28, 2019

Video: Hal Holbrook on creating "Mark Twain Tonight!"

Not comics, but ....

There are times in your life when you feel lost and afraid and rudderless. Everyone has them. And sometimes these crossroads of life yield some amazing results when you look back on them. Case in point: Hal Holbrook.

Hal Holbrook, is maybe best known now as an actor for TV and movies -- particularly his portrayal as Deep Throat in the movie version of All the President's Men. Hey, he gets to say the most quoted line ever from that flick: "Follow the money." Before all that, he pioneered the one-man stage show with "Mark Twain Tonight." And before that ....

Well, I didn't know who he was before that. I knew he must have loved Mark Twain's writing all of his life. But, I was wrong. Here's a short cut from a 2017 interview with Hal Holbrook where he talks about not knowing what to do. His first child was on its way, and he was living in NYC and had no money, no family. He was desperate to do something.

The Television Academy Foundation has the entire interview here.

1 comment:

  1. Mark Evanier saw Holbrook doing Mark Twain in 2014. Holbrook was 89 and still amazing:
